
Book Rental for the Year 2023/2024

In the Redeemer Girls School we see as part of our mission to supply all books, photocopying, art supplies, online subscriptions, etc. You are required to pay the rental fee each year for your children.

You can pay by PayPal or Credit Card below.

The Book Rental Fee for 2023/24 for one child is €50, with each additional child €25. Please pay as soon as possible. You can pay as one lump sum, other if you would like to pay over a longer period, please choose other amount and monthly payment. For example, choose other amount €10 and then ‘make this payment monthly’ then the payments will come over a longer period.

P. O’Rourke

To pay, click on the “Book Rentals” picture below.

You can use your PayPal account or a Debit or Credit Card. You will have a record of your payment in your email for future reference.

The payment is through PayPal which has the highest security and the school has no access to your Debit or Credit card details.